Saturday 18 December 2010

Word 4 Weapons: An Awesome Charity!

Hello to anyone who is reading this. 

As a Youtuber, since last year I've been taking part in a special annual project called the "Project For Awesome" (P4A) that was started by the great "Vlogbrothers" Hank and John Green (Youtube search them!). On the 17th (and 18th I guess) of December the entire community get together and upload video about their chosen charities, then watch other people's videos about their charities then comment, thumbs-up and favourite those videos. This year there is a special P4A raffle where one can win many YouTube prizes (i.e. tat that well-known Youtubers don't want anymore! All proceeds go to their charities) YAY! I donated money to my chosen charity as well as buying $20 worth of p4a raffles tickets. Go me! :-)

My chosen charity is a local one called Word 4 Weapons, started by a great guy named Michael Smith in 2007. I could tell you what the charity is about but why read this when you can watch a great video about it. 

You can more information about the Project For Awesome by going to their website:  

Tons of snow tonight. (Merry Christmas)

Hey guys. It has been a long time since I have posted a blog. I've done quote a few videos since last time (no, I didn't win that presenter competition but a lovely lady did) but I guess I forgot to mention them here which is a bit bad of me.

Today there has been nothing but snow.


Sunday 21 November 2010

Trying to get the Spirit of London.

I am cutting this really fine (the deadline is tomorrow), but I just entered the Spirit of London Awards 2010 Backstage Presenter competition. Why? The opportunity sounds cool, I like trying new things and who knows...this could lead to fame and fortune! Haha.

If you have time then by all means give my audition video a watch. It's nothing amazing but still good, thanks!

Saturday 20 November 2010

A quick blog I was meant

As you are probably aware its been a while since I got back from my trip to Manchester. Before the trip home I headed to Liverpool to see Arsenal beat Everton 2-1 (yay). Then it was the long ride home with my two big bros.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Haye vs Harrison on another night in Manchester!

Wow, I've just woken up from my brother's flat an it is cold. Very cold. Everyone else that crashed here are still asleep so I decided to give you a quick blog entry.

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't posted any YouTube videos this week. Sorry but I was too busy enjoying myself this weekend. It good to get out of my house sometimes. Last night was the big, long awaited boxing match between David Haye and Auderly Harrison. We watched it on a large screen (although the original plan was to watch it in 3D but there was a booking mix up) in a place called the Golftorium (see picture) and the drinks kept rolling. Long story short: The first round was terrible (not a single punch was thrown) but Haye won in the third. That done the group went around and ended up being in Lounge 31 again which was great. Oddly enough I saw a couple of familiar faces too.

Apparently I'm gonna go and see the Arsenal vs Everton today and I should be making that journey back home (and reality :-( ) today as well.

Saturday 13 November 2010

A brilliant night in Manchester!

So right now I'm chilling in a hotel after a great night out in Manchester. I was dancing the night away throughout. Early on I spotted some of the actors and actresses from the hit BBC drama 'Waterloo Road', I was a bit starstruck because I'm a big fan of the show. I would've loved to meet them but I was with my big bro for his birthday celebrations and...well...I'm still still a bit of a shy person at times.

The Walrus and Lounge 31 bars were by far the best places (walrus being the best overall) great music to dance to. Also, grime artist P Money did his thing in the lounge too which was a nice bonus.

My time in Manchester is not over yet though. Today may be just as star-studded as last night, who knows...

Friday 12 November 2010

Blogging on the move.

Right now I'm on a train that is heading to Manchester. I downloaded a blogging app this morning so I'm trying out to see how it is. The interface is not too bad, just gotta wait and see if it posts good. I think I had too much of sainsbury's fruit pastilles cos my belly feels weird. Here's hoping I don't throw up, I hate that.